Learning Free HTML Tutorial Online In Urdu | HTML In Urdu

Index Of Learning HTML in Urdu

  1. Definition of HTML in Urdu, What is HTML in Urdu?
  2. What are HTML Tags in Urdu?
  3. Basic Structure of HTML Tags.
  4. Basic Structure of HTML Tags While Creating a Web Page.
  5. Understanding <b> Bold, <i> Italic, and <u> Underline Tags.
  6. Difference and Use of <p> Paragraph and <br /> Breaking  Tags.
  7. Working and Understanding Heading <h#> Tags.
  8. Changing Font, Text Color, and Text Size Using <font> Tag.
  9. Changing Font, Text Color, and Text Size Without Using <font>.
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What Are HTML Tags | Learn HTML Tutorial In Urdu Online

Dear User !
         In this lecture you will learn about "What are HTML Tags in Urdu language" online, lot of students are in search for better definition of tag in HTML in Urdu, huge amount of webmasters and computer instructors are working with online HTML training in Urdu, but there are many points on which they do not consider or they are unable to describe properly according to students' need. In this post you will learn about "What are HTML tags in Urdu" in deep. You have to deeply study the below article written is Urdu, if you feel difficulties while learning HTML in Urdu about definition of HTML tags, so feel free to give comment below the post.

What Are Html Tags In Html In Urdu Learn Html In Urdu Online

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What Are Prime Numbers | Definition Of Prime Numbers

What are Prime Numbers?

Definition Of Prime Numbers and Set Of Prime NumbersPrime Numbers is an integer that has no integral factors but itself and 1, also we can says that a number which can be divided by itself and 1 are called Prime Numbers. Below is the set of Prime Numbers.

{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ...}

For Example:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 etc. are Prime Numbers
2 can be divided by 2 or 1.
3 can be divided by 3 or 1.
5 can be divided by 5 or 1.

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What is HTML | HTML Definition In Detail

Learning Free HTML Online Step By Step With Practical Introduction
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, we can say that HTML is a web level language developed by Sir. Tim Berners-Lee (Born in 1955) to create and easily manage web pages, he also worked with many projects on Internet and Networking to improve the Web and design it more smartly.


In easy words, we can say that HTML is an interpreted (Compiled) language use with their own Tags to create web pages and other information that can be displayed in any web browser, also we can say HTML is standardized system of text marking file to use and get the benefits of fonts, colors and graphics, hyperlinks  and now the multimedia data.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a computer language, which is use to create web pages, also it provides the base for all the web level and scripting languages, which woks with tags.

What we need to Work with HTML?

If you decide to work with HTML to create a web page, you do not need to install any extra software on your PC, you just need to use two built-in software as given below:
Notepad Image Icon Learning What is HTML FreeText Editor: The notepad, which is already available in your operating system. But, later we will chage it according to our need and improvement.

Browsers Google Chrome Mozila FireFox IE Learning HTML FreeBrowser: The Internet Explorer is available in your Windows, but I will recommend you that you should use the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Note: Whenever we would work on HTML, so the software mentioned above we will keep open on our Computer screen, the Text Editor (Notepad) and the Web Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox anyone of them).
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What Is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) In Urdu

In this post you will learn about HTML in brief in Urdu language as huge amount of students are search for basic and briefly explained HTML Tutorials in Urdu for free. For those who want to learn HTML in Urdu as easy as they want. Study below if you want to learn HTML in Urdu and give smart comments about this class.

Learning Free HTML Tutorial in Urdu Step by Step By Shahid Afridi Class 1-1
Learning Free HTML Tutorial in Urdu Step by Step By Shahid Afridi Class 1-2
What is Tag in Urdu | Learn HTML Online in Urdu
Learning HTML in Urdu online Note Class 1
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